
Valley Family Hosts Annual Toy Drive in Memory of Young Son

It was less than three years ago when Keian Blundell passed away in his parents arms.

The six year old boy from Langley had been courageously battling Leukemia before succumbing to his illness on New Years Day.

While he may gone, his strong holiday spirit and heroic legacy remains thanks to his devoted parents, Chantal and Ryan, and the community that continues to rally behind them .

Once again,  the family is organizing  Keian’s Holiday Wish Toy Drive, which runs until this FRIDAY, Dec. 16th. See poster below for details and contact info). Toys will be delivered to BC Children’s Hospital and Canuck Place.



According to Chantal, the latter is an idea that first began back in 2012 when Keian expressed that he was lucky to be able to be home for Christmas, while other children had to spend their time in the hospital.

“His wish was to help those to feel the love and joy that a holiday season should bring,” she said.

That first year, with the help of a family friend, Keian donated 16 toys to Children’s Hospital.

“He was so incredibly proud – he loaded all of the toys into a wagon and pranced up to his Oncology Ward,” recalled Chantal.

“He may have been proud of himself, but we, as his parents were bursting at the seams with pride. He was five; a brilliant soul, full of love and compassion.”

The following year, his wish became even bigger with the help of many friends and the Blundell’s community — in 2013,  nearly 300 toys were hand delivered by Keian, to both BC Children’s Hospital and Canuck Place Children’s Hospice just two weeks before he passed away.



Keian with little brother Joren.

With the last bottle drive, community monetary donations and donations from businesses, Team Keian was able to support four oncology families through the holidays and deliver over 1500 toys to BC Children’s Hospital.

“With the help of our community, we hope to ensure that this happens every year. We thank you for being a part of Keian’s wish!

For more information, please email  team@teamkeian.com. Read more about Keian’s Journey HERE.

Valley Mom

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